Friday, February 28, 2025

Faria Beach ride

One of my famous bike rides down to Faria Beach Park. Then the train magically appeared.

on offer at Lure

The types of fish on offer at Lure. I guess I like the sign.

Twin Cities blend

I think we had this shipped from Minneapolis.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Cajé Coffee

The next day we went to Cajé Coffee, the Santa Barbara chain that has expanded to Ventura. This was after lunch at a Thai restaurant that did not enchant Mrs. - thus forcing her to supplement her meal.

Handlebar Coffee

For all the times we've been to Handlebar Coffee in Santa Barbara I'm surprised I've never blogged about it. This was at the De La Vina location and as I recall I enjoyed the experience more than Mrs.

Via Maestra 42

Had lunch at this Santa Barbara Italian restaurant for the first time.

Sunday, February 23, 2025

SLO station

By the time we got to San Luis Obispo our grandiose multi-dimensional cross-country month-long trip was essentially over, so I will end the blogging about it here. Thanks for traveling with us!

Cuesta Grade, part 2

descending Cuesta Grade

Having driven down the Cuesta Grade many times it was interesting to see it from the train.

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Salinas Valley, part 2

Being September, the grass was very brown and dry... whereas the crops were very green.

Salinas Valley

Some familiar terrain as seen from the train. Below, the famous Metz Road.

Emeryville station

Where the Coast Starlight famously meets the California Zephyr.

Benicia-Martinez Bridge part 2

Benicia-Martinez Bridge

So interestingly the Benicia-Martinez Railroad Bridge is located between the two-part Benicia-Martinez Bridge (one northbound and the other southbound for cars). Since we were going south and looking out of the left (east) side of the train, we had a view of the northbound bridge.