Saturday, November 30, 2024

C & O Canal Towpath

I was happy to get this shot from the train right after crossing the Potomac River. On the left is the C & O Canal Towpath, a 185-mile trail that runs from Washington, DC to Cumberland, MD. Harpers Ferry is more or less in the middle. Interestingly the Appalachian Trail crosses the Potomac on a nearby bridge and deposits northbound hikers right in this same area.

Potomac River

The mighty Potomac, seen from the train as it crossed the B & O Railroad Bridge.


Harpers Ferry, WV is located at the confluence of the Shenandoah and Potomac Rivers. At first I didn't understand what I was seeing out the train's north facing window, but this is a peninsula jutting out into the Potomac, creating an inlet.

Harpers Ferry, WV station

A historic town seen briefly through a train window. The station itself with its distinctive tower was built in 1894. Up until 1891 Harpers Ferry was spelled Harper's Ferry with an apostrophe. During the Civil War it was the northernmost point of the Confederacy.

Martinsburg, WV station

Built in 1848, the Martinsburg, WV station is considered one of the oldest railroad stations in the U.S. The station was also a hotel, which was common in the early days of rail travel.

Martinsburg, WV roundhouse

Perhaps the most notable part of the Martinsburg Shops is the roundhouse, the oldest covered roundhouse in the U.S. Roundhouses were critical for storing and servicing locomotives. This complex was built in 1866. The original complex, built 1848-50, was destroyed by the Confederates during the Civil War.

Martinsburg, WV


Interestingly the train enters Maryland only to leave it and cross into West Virginia. Martinsburg, WV was an important stop on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad as it had engine and machine shops for servicing the trains on America's oldest railroad line. Seen here are some of the shops, which were designated a National Historic Landmark in 2003.

Friday, November 29, 2024


At some point the Capitol Limited crossed from Pennsylvania into Maryland on its way to Cumberland, MD. I believe that this pastoral scene was in Maryland, although I'm not 100% sure.

Thursday, November 28, 2024

Capitol Limited

It turns out that the Amtrak route we were on - the Capitol Limited - is the grandchild of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, the oldest railroad in the United States. This was our first time on this train. Interestingly, a few months later, the Capitol Limited was combined with the Silver Star to create a new Amtrak route, the Floridian - connecting Chicago and Miami. So technically the train we were on, the Capitol Limited, no longer exists.

Youghiogheny River, part 3


One of the most dramatic bends in the river, capturing the dynamic interplay of river, mountain, fog, and morning light. 

Youghiogheny River, part 2

Wednesday, November 27, 2024


While taking lots of photos of the Youghiogheny River I inadvertently captured a kingfisher perched on a wire. Since I consider kingfishers somewhat elusive this was a real highlight.

Youghiogheny River

The next morning over breakfast we were struck by the beauty of the river alongside the train and the colorful foliage in the morning light. With the help of my GPS I identified it as the Youghiogheny River in southwest Pennsylvania. What a mouthful!

Chicago Metropolitan Lounge

Finding dinner at the Chicago station is a real problem. The Metropolitan Lounge had a few snacks on offer but nothing that could qualify as dinner. Thankfully a decent proper meal was served on the train.

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Chicago newsstand

Imagine if Mrs. suddenly ran out of reading material in Chicago, and there were really no nearby bookstores. This newsstand in Union Station was the only viable option. If I'm not mistaken the novel below was chosen and actually worked out very well. There's a lesson in here somewhere, but I'm not entirely sure what.

Monday, November 25, 2024

River City with a transformer in front of it

River City

As the train pulls into Chicago this intriguing modern building presents itself. It's called River City and was built in 1986 - surprising because it looks like something from 60s. But there is a reason for this: the architect, Bertrand Goldberg, made his best known building - Marina City - in the 60s. Both buildings are considered iconic contributions to Chicago's rich architectural heritage.

Galesburg, IL

Better light than the last time I photographed this station.

Sunday, November 24, 2024

Ottumwa, IA

One wonders what life is like in Ottumwa...

the sleeper

the tracks

Aesthetically, these are some fine looking tracks. Rarely has a downtown been so integrated with its train tracks as here in Denver. Note in the bottom photo how the train platform becomes a pedestrian zone with restaurants only steps away from the tracks.


Mercantile is a decent restaurant located right in Denver Union Station. For some reason we didn't get lunch there, but I was able to take out a good salad right around their closing time.