Thursday, August 29, 2019

passport photo?

Could you imagine using this as a passport photo?

coquina clams

 Coquina clams - tiny, colorful and indicators of a healthy beach.

local spider

One of our local spiders, of which there are many, which I have not identified.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Ojai Valley Museum

Some highlights from our first visit to this pleasant small museum.

Oxnard Historic Farm Park

A beautiful 1870's farmhouse right smack in the middle of Oxnard, surrounded by a sea of sprawl. At one time it was surrounded by a sea of lima beans. Efforts are underway to preserve what remains.

Carpinteria salt marsh

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

green scarab beetle

Found this green scarab beetle, full name Cotinis mutabilis, also known as fig beetle, green fruit beetle or green peach beetle, deceased on our patio. I have since since them throughout the neighborhood. They fly slow and low and maybe sometimes hit something.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Lamy to L.A.

Mostly dark, mostly desert, mostly Indian country... There was amazing lightning as well, but that's not so easy to photograph. Breakfast at L.A. Union Station was a nice way to decompress.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Lamy station

I spent an extended period of time here at the Lamy, NM train station waiting for Amtrak to arrive. must say that the locals have gone above and beyond to make the time pass as pleasantly as possible. A sense of history - primarily railroad history - is being lovingly preserved. Speaking of history, the town takes its name from Jean-Baptiste Lamy who served as an Archbishop in these parts in the mid-to-late 19th century.