Sunday, August 7, 2016

Sacramento Hostel

I knew that there were exceptional youth hostels out there that my radar may have missed; the Sacramento Hostel was one of them. This place is amazing. Here we have a historic, Gold Rush-era mansion, former home of one Llewellyn Williams, moved several times and perfectly preserved. Today it is a great, inexpensive place to stay in Downtown Sacramento. The room we stayed in, below, was hotel quality. The only thing that reminded you that you were in a youth hostel were the shared bathrooms, which had some of that familiar youth hostel awkwardness. Otherwise, the historic interior rooms of the downstairs, all of which were available to recreate in, more than made up for that. For the price, I rank the whole experience as exceptional, and recommend it to all adventurous travelers.


  1. A GREAT place and a GREAT city. The combination is winning!

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