Saturday, December 31, 2016

Houston, TX train station

The Houston, Texas train station is perhaps the poster child of a laughably undersized station serving a major US city. It's not much larger than a 7-11 store and has similar architecture, but at least a 7-11 store sells newspapers!! Seriously, I could deal with the rest of it if they simply sold a  newspaper. When you're on the train for three days it's nice to catch up on the news. Houston is a major stop where the train sits for about an hour and most passengers step out and stretch their legs. But unlike Tucson AZ - another major stop - there is no food or newspaper to be had. I even tried walking in the 100 degree heat, and even after a policeman told me where I might find a newspaper, none materialized. So, until Houston's Amtrak stop gets a newsstand or newspaper machine, it's tempting to call it a shame station rather than a train station.

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