Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Taos, NM part 3

One of the strangest and most memorable experiences of the trip involved the "forbidden" D.H. Lawrence paintings at the Hotel La Fonda (not connected to the hotel of that name in Santa Fe, I asked). I was a little familiar with the backstory of author D.H. Lawrence's migration from England to New Mexico as well as his controversial paintings. I had no idea that some of them ended up at this hotel. We were led into a room to view the paintings while listening to an audio program about their story. The paintings were not overly obscene by today's standards, and while the whole presentation was a touch creepy, all in all it was an interesting piece of Taos history and part of what makes this part of the country appealing.

1 comment:

  1. It was a bit surreal, but definitely worth the price of admission.
